T: 01244 671 807
E: wmmail@hwbcymru.net

Becoming a school governor
There are lots of ways in which you can help at school but one of the most important, and which involves the greatest commitment, is by becoming a governor.

What do school governors do?
School governors are a team of people who work closely with the head teacher to make key decisions vital to the successful running of the school. The governors appoint the head teacher and make decisions that directly affect the education and well-being of the children. They play an important role in improving standards throughout the school and agree the school's budget.
How do I become a parent governor?
If your child attends a school, you can be elected as a parent governor by the parents. Schools organise these elections, and inform parents and staff about them. You can also become a governor by approaching the school to see if they will co-opt you or by asking the local authority, church or foundation if they would appoint you.
What do I have to offer?
As a parent governor, you can make a valuable contribution to the running of the school. You will be able to offer your enthusiasm and commitment - and as a parent, you'll understand other parents' concerns. Governors with business and management experience, or a host of other skills, can also offer extremely helpful expertise to the school.
What will I get out of it?
Being a school governor can be a rewarding experience. You'll be playing an important part in improving the children's education and supporting the school's staff, and giving a lot to the school and the community usually means you'll get a lot back. Being a governor is also an opportunity to develop new skills or practice existing ones that can help you in your day job, like chairing meetings, putting forward suggestions and asking the right questions, speaking in public, appointing staff, and helping other members who are new to the job or have less experience of committee work.
How much time does it take?
The time that governors are able to give to the role varies but there are certain things they must be in a position to do, so be aware:
the governing body must meet at least once a term
governors are probably asked to serve on at least one committee which will meet more often
meetings are sometimes held during the working day and very often during the evening
governors will have to prepare for meetings and there can be a lot of papers to read
if you are not able to prepare for and attend meetings you will not be able to make an effective contribution.
Our current Governing Body members
The School’s Governing Body is as follows, with Governors serving for a period of up to four years:
Mrs N. Gittins - Chair of Governors (Community Governor), C/O Wood Memorial CP School Off Boundary Lane, Saltney, CH4 8LN
Mr M. Edwards - Vice Chairperson (LEA)
Mr A. Johnson - Headteacher
Ms H. Ellis - Parent Governor
Mrs H. Gill - Parent Governor
Mrs N. Cooper - Parent Governor
Mrs V. Gay - LA Governor (Appointed by Flintshire)
Mrs E. Allen - LA Governor
Ms S. Tudor - Community Governor
Mrs T. Peers - Community Governor
Mrs S. Dorbin - Staff Governor
Miss L. George - Teacher Governor
Mr A. Roberts - Town Council / minor Authority Rep
Mrs M. Higgins - Clerk to Governors, C/O Wood Memorial CP School, Off Boundary Lane, Saltney, CH4 8LN
All correspondence to the Governing Body should be made via email to wmmail@hwbmail.net or by mail to: F.A.O. Mrs N. Gittins, Chair of Governors, C/O Wood Memorial CP School Off Boundary Lane, Saltney, CH4 8LN

Who are the School Council?
Wood memorial school council are a group of children from reception all the way up to year six that gather into the school’s staff room and make different decisions every day. Our earliest decisions were based on school policies including substance misuse, equality and diversity, food and fitness and personal development and relationships. On some days the school council go back to their classes and have a class council meeting to ask the children of the class for their thoughts of the agenda. The council will bring the requests back to the staff room and then the school council will take and discuss the ideas in a another meeting.
How often do we meet?​
We try to meet up every week in the staff room but sometimes we have to have a bit longer, so sometimes every two weeks. The chairman gives out thing for the school council to do like asking for a sum of money from the head teacher or to write a letter to somebody that has been discussed in the agenda of the meeting.
What changes have we made?
We have made changes to all of Wood Memorial school, from the school council board in the hall to games played on the playground and the field and even ordering new equipment for the P.E store.
What will we be doing in the future?​
In the future we will be doing a balloon race which is a race of balloons and we try our best to find out where they have gone. Whoever gets their balloon the furthest wins. We are also having a summer fair and also, we are introducing a new pupil policy which will be a mental well being policy.